
Make your business totally fire safe today!

Our job is to make sure you get the right advice, services and products to make your business fire safe and keep you free from harm and business disruption.

We want fire safety to be as simple as it can be for you so that you can get on with running your business and doing what your best at.

We help you fulfill your legal obligations for fire safety and minimise the risk of arson and accidental fire by implementing easy fire safety solutions.

We can make sure that servicing and maintenance of your fire extinguishers , fire risk assessments and fire training are all in place to satisfy your absolute legal duties so you don’t have to! CONTACT US Today for a free no strings workplace assessment!

Fire Safety Courses Include:

  1. Fire marshal training
  2. Fire Extinguisher for Schools
  3. Fire risk assessments

Workplace Safety Courses include:

  1. Confined space training
  2. Working at Height
  3. Manual Handling
  4. Asbestos Awareness
  5. Pollution Prevention


  1. First Aid Training

  2. First Aid refresher training

  3. Emergency First aid

  4. First aid at work

  5. Paediatric First Aid

Don’t Panic

You are personally liable for the fire safety of your business. Penalties for non-compliance range from £20,000 in fines to two years in prison.

Fire damage costs UK businesses £3.6 million every day in insurance claims.

But why become yet another statistic? We make fire safety straight forward and cost effective to protect you.


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